Aster RV Hospital

Aster Rv E1606734265913Aster RV is the most famous multispecialty hospital in Bangalore along with the services of International standards. Aster Rv is one of the top Hospital in Bangalore providing world-class treatment with multidiscipline healthcare services at affordable prices. Being a famous hospital in Bangalore Aster RV treats their patients as well with multi healthcare services. Aster RV is equipped with 250-beds operation services, 53 bedded ICU, 30 Ventilated beds Da Vinchi Robot, Biplane Cath Lab, Interventional Radiology, Intraoperative MRI and offers 24/7 emergency care and an ambulance with medicine.

  • Establishment: Year 1987
  • Location: Four Bungalows, Mumbai, India
  • Specialisation: Multi Specialty Hospital
  • Asret RV Hospital OPD Timings: Monday – Sat 09:00 am – 07:00 pm
  • Aster RV Hospital Address: JP Nagar, Bangalore, India
  • Modes of Payment: Cash, Debit or Credit Card, Net-banking.

Aster RV Hospital Accreditation:

NABH Certified Hospital in IndiaNABL Certified Hospital in India

Aster RV Hospital OPD Appointment Phone Contact Number:

(+91) 98-30-36-36-22

Our Online Booking Helpline also Available on the following FREE Apps. You can send us your passport scan copy and medical report for 100% Free Medical VISA invitation letter and Doctor Appointment.

IMO logo Whatsapp Logo 1 Logosnapchatsnapchatlogoicon 1320190501733641285Wechat logo to book Doctor appointmentviber logo Wechat logo to book Doctor appointment
Center of Excellence:

Cardiology , General Surgery , Cancer Treatment, Liver Transplant, Kidney Transplant, Orthopaedics, Neurology

Aster RV Hospital, Amenities & Facilities

24hours Helpline Assistance. Pharmacy. Diet Counsellor Support Services cab support service

For International Patient Extra Care and Support

foreign language interpreter. accommodation and Hotel Support services. flight booking support services. visa assistance support
ABOUT Aster RV Hospital:

  • Aster RV Hospital was established by Dr. Azad Moopen, a Philanthropist at the year 1987.
  • Now, it has own branches all over 8 countries including head-office at Dubai and has compasses more than 25 hospitals, 116 clinics, 236 pharmacies.
  • During this long 33 years aster RV provided the best quality of healthcare services and various department of specialties treatment like orthopedic, cardiac, neuron, diabetes, dermatology, gastro etc.

TEAM and SPECIALTIES of Aster RV Hospital:

  • Aster RV hospital provides their patients more than 3000 best qualified Doctors and experienced nurses.
  • The medical and non-medical staffs are available for helping their patients 24/7.
  • the hospital also provides the emergency medicines and emergency services.


  • Aster RV Hospital provides 250 beds on which 53 beds are occupied by Intensive care units with a spacious waiting area.
  • It has world class infrastructures and offering technology like Biplane Cath Lab, Intraoperative MRI, and Da Vinci Robot.
  • It has also provided 53 ICU beds, 30 Da Vinci Robot, 30 Ventilated beds.
Aster RV Hospital Address in Full Details:

CA-37, 24th Main, 1st Phase, J.P. Nagar, Bangaluru, Karnataka 560078, India.

You can easily located the establishment as it is in close proximity to Near RV Dental college.



From Airport it takes 42 kms and 1 hour to reach Aster RV Hospital. You can get Cab (Ola/Uber) easily. The hospital is located centrally so any patients avail all type of budget amenities , hotels, resorts within 5 mins .

Upper Limb – Shoulder & Elbow Surgery
Spine Surgery
Sports Medicine (Arthroscopy)
Emergency & Trauma Care
Congenital Deformity
Adult Thoracic & Cardiovascular Care
Adult Interventional Cardiology
Children’s Cardiac Care – Surgical
Children’s Cardiac Care – Interventional
Surgical Oncology
Medical Oncology
Radiation Oncology
Medical Gastroenterology
Surgical Gastroenterology
Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Surgery
Laparoscopic, Upper GI & Bariatric surgery
Hematology and Haemato-Oncology
Neuro Surgery
Movement Disorder
General Paediatrics
General Surgery
ENT – Head & Neck & Skull-Based Surgery
Nuclear Medicine & PET CT
Cosmetic Surgery
Infectious Diseases
Radiology & Imaging Sciences
Critical Care
Intensive Care
Laboratory Services
Master Health Check-up
Nutrition & Weight-Loss Clinic
Neuro Stroke Emergency
Cardiac Emergency
General pediatrics
Plastic and Reconstructive surgery
Pulmonology and sleep medicine
Pediatric surgery
Craniofacial and aesthetic surgery
Neurology and neuroscience
Obstetrics and gynecology
ENT, Head & Neck, and skull base surgery
Oral and maxillofacial surgery
Gynaecology & Obstetrics
Bone Marrow Transplant
Internal Medicine
Pediatric Surgery
Craniofacial & Aesthetic Surgery
Interventional Radiology
Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
Dental Surgery
Keyhole Surgery
Pinhole Surgery
Neurology & Neurosciences
Pulmonology & Sleep Medicine
Dermatology & Trichology
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Transfusion Medicine
ENTOrgan Transplant

Specialties at a Glance:

Aster RV Hospital provides world-class treatment of Bone Marrow Transplant, ENTOrgan Transplant, Knee Replacement, Hip Replacement & Revision, Cardiac Transplants, Kidney Transplant, Spine Transplant, Liver Transplants, Hair Transplant, Organ Transplant, Heart Transplant within a pocket-friendly budget which you can provide easily. Aster RV Hospital is one of the best among in the multi-specialty Hospital in Bangalore, provides 24*7 various kinds of organ Transplant and Surgery.

Aster RV Hospital appointment Booking Number:

(+91) 94-333-650-39 | 98-30-36-36-22

Our Online Booking Helpline also Available on the following FREE Apps. You can send us your passport scan copy and medical report for 100% Free Medical VISA invitation letter and Doctor Appointment.

Facilities During Stay

  • Private Room T.V. in Room Mobility Accessibility in rooms
  • Free Wifi Phone in Room Charging Facilities In rooms
  • Welcome Packages Safe in the Rooms Family Accommodation
  • Nursery Services Personal Attendants Laundry and Dry cleaning services
  • Beauty Salon Fitness care center Spa and Wellness Facility
  • Religions Facility Business Center Parking Space Available

Money Matters Facilities

  • Health Insurance Services Medical Travel Insurance Services
  • Foreign Currency Exchange ATM Facility Available
  • Credit Card Services Debit Card Services
  • Net-banking Services Medical Visa Services

FOOD Facilities

  • Requested Diet Doctor’s Prescribed Food
  • Self-Cooking International Multiple Cuisine
  • Restaurant Cafe

Treatment-related Facilities

  • Medical Records Transfer Online Doctor Consultation Service
  • Document Legalisation Post Treatment Follow up
  • Medicine & Pharmacy Rehabilitation

Transportation Facilities

  • Airport Pick-up Local Tourism Options
  • Visa / Travel Office Local Transportation Booking
  • Private Car Hire Limousine services

Language Facilities

  • Interpreter Translation Services

Facilities at A Glance

    • 24 hours of trauma & accident emergency care
    • 21 state-of-the-art operating theatres
    • Stringent global standards ICUs Facility
    • Various Valuable Treatment facilities
    • 24*7 blood bank and emergency medicine is on campus
    • 24 hours of Stroke and Heart care
    • Aster RV provides a Digital Cath lab, 3T MRI scan, 750HD Scan, 3D Digital mammogram, medicine based on Nuclear, PET CT
    • 250 doctors and nurses are available for 24 hours.
    • All patients rooms are well-appointed
    • Having a big surface Aster RV provide open green spaces & Constant flow of fresh air
    • All medical and non-medical coordinators are well-trained, helpful, and do their best as possible.

Request for Aster RV Hospital Online Appointment

    Patient's name*
    Phone Number*
    Gender* Full Address*
    Share Your Doctor's Choice (If Any) Describe Your Treatment Requirement / Questions Upload Your Medical Documents /Scans etc Upload Last Medical Prescription

    Patient FAQs

    For multispeciality healthcare, you can book an Aster RV hospital online appointment with our assistance. Also, you can enquire for Aster RV master health checkup cost, Aster RV hospital health checkup packages by filling the form on your right-hand side or simply call or WhatsApp us now and fix your appointment at our Aster RV hospital appointment booking number -Mobile / WhatsApp / IMO – +91 9830363622

    Now, you can take an Aster RV hospital appointment very easy by call or through WhatsApp at following the Aster RV hospital appointment booking number- +91 90735-21771.The appointment through calls is 100% free of cost and you have to share your details , health problem and select the treatment. Our Customer care Executive at Aster RV Hospital will take care of your problem and guide you properly to reach your selective doctor in Aster RV hospital.

    You can connect for Aster Health Packages and search our healthcare package cost by calling us through Aster RV hospital contact numbers.

    Yes, You can get Aster RV hospital Price list easily. For your inquired price list you can contact us by phone calls or through WhatsApp at our Aster RV hospital contact number -+91 90735 21771. After consulting about price list with our Executive, just fill up the form right here and confirm your selective doctor appointment in Aster RV hospital or you can again make a call or WhatsApp for your Aster RV Hospital appointment booking number -+91 90735 21771.

    Medical tourism is a thriving sector in India. A notable number of patients are coming from Bangladesh, Russia, Iraq, Tanzania, Maldives,Yemen, Oman, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Kenya, Nigeria and Australia, Canada, the UK, and the United States.

    To boost applications and facilitate the travel process for medical tourists, the government has grown its e-tourism VISA regime on February 2019, to accommodate medical visas. The highest span of stay under this visa is 6 months.

    In October 2015, India’s medical tourism sector was assessed to be worth US$3 billion. It is proposed to expand at a CAGR of 200% by 2020, knocking $9 billion by 2020. In 2017, around 495,056 patients toured India to receive and seek medical care.

    Also, when it comes to the cost of treatment, India is much less pricey than most developed countries.

    Aster RV is a famous hospital in Bangalore which is dedicated to provide the world class treatment and medical care as per international standards. Our tele-Executives , doctors, nurses and other other staffs are always available to provide the best services and help them to reach their chosen doctors.

    Yes, our Team at Aster RV Hospital India will arrange airport pick up for you as soon as your date and time of arrival in confirmed. For more details contact on the number:+91 90735-21771

    The OPD timings are are between 9.00 AM and 5.30 PM everyday. WE do not have OPD on Sunday.

    A Place of Trust and Care

    Aster RV Hospital, JP Nagar, Bangalore

    Brief History:

    Aster RV is the most famous multi-specialty hospital in Bangalore along with the services of International standards. Aster RV is one of the top Hospital in Bangalore providing world-class treatment with multi-discipline healthcare services at affordable prices. Being a famous hospital in Bangalore Aster RV treats their patients as well with multi healthcare services.

    What is the Admission Procedure ?

    The process of admit a patient in the Aster RV Hospital, JP Nagar, Bangalore, the patient or his/her representative have to get an admission note in written from the selective doctor and need to submit that note to the admission counter.If the patient has medical insurance, then the patient will be sent to the insurance desk. A Unique Identification Number [UID] which will be generated which can be used to save all the medical history of the patient by the hospital for future reference. The process of admit a patient in Aster RV Hospital is very easy and all of staff and service providers are so helpful to get admission.

    What is the Discharge Procedure ?

    The discharge procedure of the patient is controlled by the respective IP coordinators.The medicines which are not till used will be returned, and a discharge summary will be prepared by the particular department. If any medicines and medical services are prescribed then it will be confirmed by the doctors, then the doctor will explain how to use them.Finally, the bill will be handed over to either patient or caretaker.

    What is their Patient & Attendant Responsibilities ?

    Provide complete and right information including full name, address, date of birth, name of the insurance company, past illness, and medical details.Updating the doctors and nurses about the effectiveness of the treatment or operation.Should bring only necessary items to the hospital, leaving valuables at home.By hospital rules and safety regulations, noise levels must be as low as possible while talking or attending a phone call.The attendant or patient handles keeping appointments and being on time. If not, call the doctor or hospital.

    What is the Guideline for Visitors ?

    Aster RV Hospital recognize the family & friends of the patients as an important part of the recovery process. At the time of admission, passes for visitors will be issued and all the visitors are requested to wear these passes while on the premises of the hospital.For the safety of the patients, the visitors are limited during visiting hours.Visitors under 12 years old are restricted on patient floors to protect children from any infections.Before & after visiting, sanitation of hands is mandatory.Mobile phone use is prohibited in the areas where patient monitoring & medical equipment are in operation.

    What are the Patients & Attendants Rights ?

    Being a patient or caregiver, you have the right to be treated with respect, dignity, and compassion in a safe and clean environment.Protection to your privacy and confidentiality in treatment options, and examinations.A clear and detailed explanation by the doctor about the diagnosis, benefits, and risks of each treatment.Protection from physical mistreatment and carelessness.Either patient or attendant can request a copy of their medical records.

    How can I Book an appointment?

    You can book your appointment in Aster RV Hospital by phone call or through WhatsApp +91.9830363622. You can book your appointment easily.