Certificate Course in Hospital Documentation and Record Management

The Certificate course in Hospital Documentation & Record Management is the 3months course .The core aim is:

1.To train students how to manage health data in different forms.

2.Individuals learn certain functions and methods such as investigating records, ensuring agreement with laws, making reports, and guaranteeing accuracy of data;

3.To store and organize medical records.

Course Fees:

INR 15,000

Course Duration:

3 Months

For Admission Enquiry:

(Call or WhatsApp)



Hospital Documentation and Record Management: What is it about?

This Certificate course will guide the students through developing a general medical record system from generation of the record to examining the information in the records. At the end of the course they will be able to build a Medical Records Department including best practices.

Hospital Documentation and Record Management: Admission Process

Certificate Course In Hospital Documaentation and Record Management Candidates can fill the application form in both online and offline mode. For filling online, candidates need to go to the website and fill the requirements.

Hospital Documentation and Record Management: Syllabus and Course Description

A month-wise breakup of the course’s syllabus is tabulated here.

1st Month 2nd Month3rd Month
Basic Human SciencesMedical Record ScienceRevision and Internal Examination
Cummunicative EnglishCoding Of Diseases and ProceduresProject Work / Dissertation
Computer ApplicationGeneral Hospital SatisticsPractical and Demonstration will be done based on theory
Medical TerminologyAdministration and Management

Hospital Documentation and Record Management: Who Should Opt? (ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA)

Eligibility For Admission :

Qualification: The minimum entry qualifications would be 10th or equivalent pass with minimum 45% marks from a recognized school board.

Skills Required

Editing skills
Interpreting medical records

Hospital Documentation and Record Management: Career Prospects

Certificate in Hospital Documentation and Record Management course is proper to accommodate students with an understanding of how to manage hospital records and information .

Top Companies Offering Jobs

Salary Scope

Salary range:

On an average, startingsalarycould be anywhere between 8-15KINRper month. In case of a Government job, thesalarywill be as per thepayscale and grade. Abroad, thesalaryis much higher than what it is inIndia.An early career DocumentationManager with 1-4 years of experience earns an average totalcompensation(includes tips, bonus, and overtimepay) of ₹270,000 based on 17salaries. A mid-careerDocumentationManager with 5-9 years of experience earns an average totalcompensationof ₹532,577 based on 16salaries.

Top Recruiting Areas & Top Job Profiles

Certificate in Hospital Documentation & Record Management Employement Areas:

  • Medical Administrative Services.
  • Health Care Administration.
  • Health Information Technology.
  • Health Management and Clinical Administration.
  • Health Unit Coordinator.
  • Health Ward Supervisor.
  • Medical Administrative Assistant or Secretary.
  • Medical Claims Examiner.
  • Private Clinics .
  • Doctor’s Offices.

Register Now for Certificate Course in Hospital Documentation and Record Management

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    Certificate Course in Hospital Documentation and Record Management: Student Queries

    Hospital Documentation and Record Management is the science dealing with the systematic management and distribution of all kinds of medical information.The information stored in the medical record will preserve the legal interests of the patients, health care providers, and health care facilities.

    Hospital Documentation and Record Management Clerk is in charge of handling patient health files in a facility. Also known as Health Information Clerks, their duties include assisting in audits, filing records, and collecting information. The conditions for this role include a high school diploma and proven work experience.

    Health Ward Supervisor.

    Health Information Technology.

    Health Care Administration.

    Medical Administrative Services.

    Health Unit Coordinator.

    Health Management and Clinical Administration.

    Medical Claims Examiner.

    Medical Administrative Assistant or Secretary.

    Hospital Documentation and Record Management specialists also called health information technicians, manage the data files that doctors and nurses need to perform their jobs effectively. Although they don’t perform actual patient care, most Hospital Documentation and Record Management specialists work in health care facilities or doctors’ offices.

    Every time you climb up on a doctor’s exam table or roll up your sleeve for a blood draw, somebody makes a note of it in your Hospital Documentation and Record Management. Several health care providers keep this information as electronic records. You might hear these called EHRs (Electronic Health Records).

    Hospital Documentation and Record Management are confidential so you can only access someone else’s records if you’re allowed to do so. To access someone else’s health records, you must be working on their place with their approval, or.

    Applying for access to someone else’s health records

    Care home.


    GP surgery.



    Primary responsibilities

    Update file information.

    Complete all forms.Maintain updated files.

    Process applications and file records.

    Add new files to archives.

    Answer queries by searching and retrieving files.

    Perform data entry.

    Process all incoming and outgoing correspondence.