Q. Where does Dr. Manojit Chatterjee Practice?
Dr. Manojit Chatterjee practices at ILS Dumdum, Bhagirathi Neotia & Many More.
Q. How many years of experience does Dr. Manojit Chatterjee have?
20+ Years Experience Overall as a specialist
Q: Why do patients visit Dr. Manojit Chatterjee?
A. Patients frequently visit Dr. Manojit Chatterjee for Gynaecology and Obstetrician Problems & Majorly for Gynea Treatment. To see more reasons visit the doctor’s profile on Madre Health Care.
Q. What area of specialization does Dr. Manojit Chatterjee have?
A. Dr. Manojit Chatterjee is specialized in Kolkata and of the most sought-after doctors in Gynaecology and Obstetrician
Q.Does Dr. Manojit Chatterjee offers Telemedicine Consultation through Madre Healthcare?
A. Yeah! this doctor does Offer telemedicine via MadreHealthcare.
Q. What is the Educational Background of Dr. Manojit Chatterjee?
A. Dr. Manojit Chatterjee has the following qualifications – MBBS, DGO – Obstetrics & Gynaecology. Specialized in Laparoscopic Treatment.
Q. How can I take Dr. Manojit Chatterjee’s appointment?
A. You can take Dr. Manojit Chatterjee’s appointment online through Madre HealthCare for an in-clinic visit with the doctor or Call +91 9433365039 | 9830363622
Q. What are the various mode of payment accepted here?
A. You can make payments Via Cash, Debit Cards, Credit Card.
Q. What are its hours of operation?
The establishment is functional on
Monday:- 10:00 Am – 7:00 Pm
Tuesday:- 10:00 Am – 7:00 Pm
Wednesday:- 10:00 Am – 7:00 Pm
Thursday:- 10:00 Am – 7:00 Pm
Friday:- 10:00 Am – 7:00 Pm
Saturday:- 10:00 Am – 7:00 Pm
Sunday:- Closed