How to prepare for hip replacement surgery???
People often searching for that. If you decide for hip replacement surgery, then you need some prior preparation. Because a prior preparation can make a huge difference, and speed up your recovery. If your doctor suggests for Hip replacement surgery, our team will guide you about a few very important things, before your surgery date. Previously we have discussed Hip pain causes, treatment, and diagnosis. You should check out this article before it.
So let’s get started
Know about the procedure “How to prepare for hip replacement surgery”
You should have a good idea, about the Hip replacement surgery, before admitting into the hospital. Read the article about hip replacement surgery and procedure, recovery time, probability of complications (If any). Check some medical website like Web med, Healthline, Myoclonic and.write how to prepare for hip replacement surgery in their search bar. This step let you know everything about Hip replacement surgery. Ask your doubts to your surgeon at the time of appointment. That will give you mental clarity, able to overcome unnecessary fear.

Think about the impact on your regular work after surgery
Ask the doctor about the recovery period, when you can start your regular life, go for your jobs.
You should ask your doctor “How your personal life and professional life affects after Hip replacement surgery??”
Generally, full recovery demands a few weeks to a few months, depending upon the nature of surgery.
Reduce weight and get in shape before surgery
Weight loss can speed up your recovery. If you are overweight, please reduce your weight; focus on your muscle strength, because this will give you good support after replacement surgery.
Go for physiotherapy
Physiotherapy is the best tool, before hip replacement surgery. Proper exercise is the way of smooth recovery, and support a successful hip replacement.
Test your crutches or walker
Crutches and walker are necessary, after any bone replacement surgery. Borrow them with doctor’s permission. If you are comfortable with them now, you would surely comfortable with them after surgery. Test your crutches is an important step before surgery, with the doctor’s recommendation.
Organize your home and arrange your support
It is important to arrange your home, everything should be ready, then you come back to your home after surgery. Try to arrange everything on the first floor. Avoid stepping. Try to organize your home like a base camp, where you can spend maximum time, with your necessary things (TV, computer, phone, remote, or everything you need on a regular basis).
Remove hazardous material from your house, which can be an obstacle after your replacement surgery.
Medication, Drugs, and supplements
Please avoid Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, seven days before surgery. Like Ibuprofen, naproxen. As this drug prevents blood clotting. So there would be a high risk of blood loss, during surgery.
Stop taking any kind of supplements, seven days before surgery. Supplements include fish oil, vitamin E capsule, Ginko Biloba, ginseng-glucosamine. But you can take Celebrex until before the day of surgery.
You need to avoid anticoagulant medicine.
Dental care before surgery
If you have dental issues, you have to resolve them, before surgery. A dental issue may allow bacteria to your bloodstream, and further can infect your joint area.
Any kind of replacement surgery is a complicated procedure, need some prior preparation, Our health care team try to guide you through our given article. Stay healthy stay safe!!!