fertility injections

The fertility injections stimulate the ovaries to overproduce eggs, and so increases a woman’s chances of getting pregnant. The injections also increase the chance of a woman having twins or triplets as around 20% to 30% of women have multiple births when they were injected certain fertility hormones. These fertility injections produce hormones according to a schedule that typically runs for 28 days. 

Place of injecting

Some of these injections are shot beneath the skin, while other injections are shot into the muscle. You can get the injections on your stomach, upper arm, upper thigh, or even buttocks.

Side effects of Fertility Injections

Side effects can include hot flashes, mood swings, depression, nausea, breast tenderness, swelling or rash at the injection site, abdominal bloating and slight twinges of abdominal pain. These fertility injections also increase the risk of birth defects and links to pregnancy influencing hypertension. They even show side effects like ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, which is rarely serious but in exceptional cases can be fatal. 

Injectable fertility drugs

Fertility drugs are injected to make women fertile and to conceive. Below are the names of some common fertility injections:

  • Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG), such as Novarel, Ovidrel, Pregnyl, and Profasi. Normally, This medication is employed along with other fertility drugs to trigger your ovaries to discharge an egg.
  • Follicle-stimulating Hormone (FSH), such as Bravelle, Fertinex, other fertility injections like Follistim, and Gonal-F. These drugs stimulate the maturity of eggs in your ovaries.
  • Human Menopausal Gonadotropin (hMG), such as Menopur, Metrodin, Pergonal, and Repronex. This drug combines FSH and LH (luteinizing hormone).
  • Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), such as Factrel and Lutrepulse. This hormone triggers the release of FSH and LH from your pituitary gland, but it’s prescription in the U.S.
  • Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist (GnRH agonist), such as Lupron, Synarel, and Zoladex.
  • Gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonists (GnRH antagonist), such as Antagon and Cetrotide lessens the amount of hormones such as estrogen in the body.

Serious issues of Fertility Injections

Fertility injections can be risky to use. Following points describe how they actually harm our bodies.

  • Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS) is the occurrence of enlarged ovaries and fluid accumulation in the abdomen after stimulation by gonadotropins and after ovulation occurs. The chance of OHSS is increased in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Severe, OHSS can end in nausea, vomiting, accelerated weight gain, dehydration, blood clots, kidney dysfunction, twisting and bending of an ovary, fluids accumulating in the chest and abdomen, and, seldom, even dying.

    Fertility injections
    Ovarian Hyperstimulation
  • Multiple gestations occur which increases the risk of miscarriage, preterm delivery, infant abnormalities, handicap due to the consequences of preterm delivery, pregnancy-induced hypertension, bleeding, and other significant maternal complications.
  • Ectopic pregnancies can be life-threatening and require treatment with medication or surgery.
  • The Stimulated Ovary can bend on itself since the ovary is larger than the follicles. This twisting can even chop off the blood supply.

Finally, you need to consult a well-rated fertility doctor who will very carefully monitor you and the dosing of these injectable medications. The doctor will check you several times with frequent blood work and ultrasounds, to avoid increased risks of multiples and OHSS.

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