Artificial Insemination Cost in important Indian Cities

Artificial insemination (AI) is a fertility treatment for humans with the deliberate introduction of sperm into the female’s cervix or uterine cavity. This is mainly performed to achieve pregnancy through in vivo fertilization by means other than sexual intercourse. Commonly, the cost of Artificial Insemination can be more expensive and may require professional assistance. The […]

In vitro fertilization cost

Is the cost of In Vitro Fertilization in India affordable?

In vitro fertilization is used to treat infertility in adults. It is a process of combining the egg with sperm for fertilization outside the body, in an artificial environment. The process comprises of observing and inciting a woman’s ovulatory process, where ovum or ova are extracted from the woman’s ovaries. Also, allow the sperm to […]

hip implants

Hip Implants, Hip Prosthesis, Hip Implant Surgery

One of the most common orthopedic procedures is Hip Implants. The frail hip joint or arthritic is separated whenever a hip implant is performed. An artificial metal implant generally replaces the ball-and-socket joint during a hip implant. The different factors on which the material used during an implant depends on are : The age of […]

Laser Dermatology

What is Laser Dermatology and How does it Work?

Laser dermatology is a treatment whose usage is mainly on treating skin conditions. Application of Argon and carbon dioxide lasers are common to treat benign vascular birthmarks. In the last 20 years, progress in the laser technology has transformed their effectiveness in the treatment of many skin fitness and congenital deficiencies, including vascular and pigmented […]

best colorectal surgeon

Best Colorectal Surgeon in Kolkata

Colorectal surgeons are physicians who specialize in the medical and surgical treatment of conditions that affect the lower digestive tract. They have thorough knowledge about usual surgery and in the examination and treatment of complications of the colon, rectum, and anus. Here you can Locate some of the Best Colorectal Surgeon in Kolkata, with our […]

Shoulder Surgery

Is Shoulder surgery Risky?: Causes and its Types.

Orthopedic surgeons specialize in the treatment of a variety of conditions that affect the musculoskeletal system. Orthopedic surgeons attend to problems of bones, joints, muscle, nerves, and other parts of the musculoskeletal system. There are a number of sub-specialties within the field of orthopedic surgery. Shoulder surgery is one of them. Causes of Shoulder surgery […]

Cardiologist in Kolkata

Top 10 Cardiologist in Kolkata

Since we understand the emotional and psychological trauma you are going through, we have listed the top Cardiologist available in Kolkata to help you out in this critical situation. So, mindfully take a decision in picking the right heart surgeon among the top ten cardiologist in Kolkata for your precious heart.  Top 10 Cardiologist present […]

Ergonomics: Meaning, harmful effects, precautions and necessities.

In the 21st Century, with the increase in modernization and industrialization, the amount of work pressure is increasing day by day and this is ultimately leading to the various health-related taboos like back pain, muscular pain, wrists ache and other related issues. These taboos have greatly increased the need for proper Ergonomics. What is Ergonomics? […]

paediatric orthopaedic

Role of a Paediatric Orthopaedic

Paediatrics is that branch of medicine which involves the medical care of infants, children and adolescents.  According to the American Academy of Paediatrics people under the age of 21 are recommended to be under Paediatric care. Paediatrician is a medical doctor who specializes in taking care of this field .However, that branch of medicine concerned with […]